Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I blatantly stole this picture from this website. It looks a lot like the walkway along the river at Arrowtown - I ran here.

Well I'm currently in the Lakes District, in Arrowtown! My exercise for the day? Ice skating! And I went for a run.

I tried really hard to keep my calves and lower legs relaxed, but I think I started out a bit too fast, and struggled with form by the end of the run. I also got intimidated a bit by a very growly dog which I wasn't too impressed with.

What impressed me the least though? My sportband has decided not to work. I thought I would be all responsible and turn the sensor off to go on the plane - its a transmitting device obviously. But now it won't turn back on again. I don't think its the band that's broken, but the actual sensor thingy. This is very frustrating as I've only used at four times. It surely couldn't have been pinging away to the sportband the whole time I was travelling to Wellington and then down home? I'm not going to be able to do anything about it until I get back to Palmy anyway. Both my laptop and the receipt for it are back there. Its very frustrating though, especially after being naughty and forking out for it.

But it pales in comparison to the fact that I'm at home! Well Arrowtown isn't home, but its great to be back in the part of New Zealand I love the most (Don't tell Catherine!). So I'm really excited to catch up with my sister and her family this weekend, and go out with my parents for lunch.

Aaah its good to be here.this website

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