Saturday, December 10, 2011

Well it turns out this got boring...

Things got a bit hectic when I got home from that trip. It seems most of the motivation for blogging was going on there everyday, and being home at Mum's I wasn't using much internet.

And that run down the road? I woke up a couple of days later to a very angry knee. I stopped running, because I didn't want to make it worse. And it was really hard to get back into again. Being my final semester at Massey I just kept putting it off and putting it off until after exams. I may have also somehow (if you know how please tell me) injured my ankle. I even caved and went to see the Physio for that one.

And so I've started up again. And boy does it hurt! Not too much, my form is actually not too bad. But I'm going to have to read the book again I think, and care less about what people think of me and do the exercises in it, in public. I mean I probably embarrass myself running enough as it is. In my head I feel like I look graceful while running. I probably look the complete opposite. Funnily enough its not my breathing that's holding me back, it seems to be my legs, so I'll have to keep working on it. Good old exams have also contributed nicely to my insulation layers - they definitely aren't required! It being summer and all. Plus I'm really wanting to lose this weight again, and get my fitness up to standard for the PAT. Training days are starting in February and I would like to be close to, if not hitting my goals by then.

Sewing has also been put on the back burner. I pulled out of going to Auckland Armegeddon, and so there was not motivation to sew for that. And I had lots of work on at Uni. Putting that off though was an excellent idea - I GRADUATED! Well the ceremony is in May, but I have a degree! So now I can sew and run to my hearts content, around work hours of course.

I'll have to post some pictures of my sewing machines (more than one!) and some of the excellent material I've been able to hoard in the meantime. Including a 6m roll of gold zebra stripey fabric I picked up today at a little out of the way curtain store for a measly $5! I of course have no idea what I shall do with it. Bag maybe? My nice handbag is on its last legs, and I'm going to have to look into getting another....

Oh well, enough for now. I'll make this more interesting. Promise

1 comment:

  1. Jordan, your blog settings are set to 'no-reply'. You need to change them,so I can reply to your email.When you do, leave me another comment, and I will answer your question. Have a great day!
