Tuesday, June 21, 2011

And so it begins....again

Hi there

I'm not really that great at keeping blogs - this is number four i think... I was hopeless at keeping a diary, and I still am.

The whole point of this one? Well I decided at the end of last year that I wanted to run. And to run well. You know how you have those dreams of running, where you just go and go and never stop. Well mine (weirdly) involved some flags - tonnes in fact - and a dark sinister character (don't want to know what that says about my psyche...) and I remember waking up thinking 'wouldn't that be amazing'.

This is coming from the kid who could never make it the first 500m in cross country.

I'm not quite that bad anymore. I actually run every know and then, and hit the gym more regularly than the little lazy voice in my head would like. So the whole running and never stopping thing isn't really as unobtainable as before. Now I can happily run 2-3k, I'm a bit buggered afterward but thinking about it doesn't make me want to throw up like it would have back in high school.

I don't want to run just a couple of km's though. I thought at the start of this year that I would make a goal. A horrendous goal according to the lazy little voice. I want to run a half marathon.

Go for it you might say. Well, I made the mistake of telling my mother (you know I love you mum!) so now I have to... and I'm going to.

Currently I'm really excited about the idea. I've got a plan organised (which I have to convince myself not to be disappointed with if it doesn't go completely to plan - reading other people's blogs it doesn't sound like it will), I really want some Nike Free shoes but am happy with the ones I have now, so they can wait (being a student = tiny budget). Its also exam time - 1 more to go - so that might have something to do with running currently taking up a bit of mental time.
My one worry, that my plans to start my running program next week might turn into starting my running plans the week after that.... it doesn't help that I'm flying home in the first fortnight of the program for a week. And it'll be cold.

So I've decided to make a blog. This apparently is a great way to motivate yourself. Tell everyone about it, and then you can't back out. The whole running idea has been a bit disorganised as it is starting a few months later then I wanted it to. I was planning to run the Manawatu Striders Half Marathon at the end of the year. Its only two months earlier then I thought it was. So I'm aiming to run the 10k race then instead of the Half Marathon and do the Pelorus Trust Bays Race or the Wairarapa Country Race later on.

So I have to do that while staying away from chocolate as much as a can (HA!), trying to eat healthier and getting through Uni. I'm really looking forward to the challenge.

Don't want to tell my triathlete flatmate though. Or my friend who's going to the World Champs later in the year... it would amuse them though I'm sure....

So be prepared for bitching and moaning about sore feet and stepping in dog poo, hopefully more constructive blogs on where I've been running, and maybe other day to day happenings to perk things up a little.


EDIT: ooh ooh widgetty thingies! I added one on the side bar so you can see what I'm up to. The site told me to add something, even if it was an old work out, but I haven't done anything since the start of exam break! (SIN). I'm sure there will be something there soon. Or else the chocolate is going to settle on the hips!

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