Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Okay, so I haven't figured out how to save drafts..

I went for my first official training run yesterday. You can see it on the side bar.

It went so well! Much better than the last one. With picking up extra shifts and an anime club marathon I didn't do any running over the weekend! Gasp!

Monday was a rest day, I'm thinking because the plan is for people who are already kind of running. I was of course meant to rest but then someone decided to steal something at work, and I ended up joining in on the chase. Anything to get out of work ya know! Well he was on a bike, and I was in my work skirt and silly flat shoes so I didn't really get very far after him. It was fun all the same.

And then yesterday! It started off rather lazy, and after a couple of episodes of Legend of the Seeker I got up and made a pumpkin loaf. With an hours baking time I thought "well I'll definitely fit a 25min run in there!" so I banged it in the oven and away I went.

I thought that the route I usually run would take me about 20 minutes, and then I would push my way home until I made up the time.

Turns out it only ten I kept running towards home. That only took five minutes... so I ran a bit of the way up the street some more and then turned around and came home. I'm not entirely sure if I ran 20 minutes or 25, I tend to forget what time I started at....

But it was amazing! I ran all the way to the stairs at my house and skipped my way up them. It was great, I really didn't think that I could run that far at all. I was confident I could go for 20 minutes at least when I started, but didn't realise that the distance I usually run was actually so short. It was an awesome feeling to think, "nope need to go for another 10 min" and not feel all grumbly about it.

I think its an awesome start to my plan! Today I'm meant to go for a 25min fast walk, but I've just biked from work all the way through town, and then from the other side of town back to my house. I think that counts for today.

Why did I go across town. Well to indulge my Spotlight addiction for one, and to hit up Rebel Sports.

I treated myself to this...

Its a Nike+ Sportband! It measures distance, time, pace and calories with the little orange and white sensor. Your meant to put it in a Nike+ shoe, but as the pair I want run at about $200 I'm going to do what many other ingenious people have done. Jam it in a sandwich bag and tie it down under my laces on one of my very cheap pairs of shoes. Ha! There you go Nike! Googling "Nike+ sensor hack" brings up some really great ideas for that sort of thing! The watch records everything and when you plug it into the computer it uploads all of the info. I think I can sync it to my account too, so hopefully the side bar will keep updating as I go along. 

I haven't recorded a workout on it yet. Its meant to be over 90% accurate out of the box but because I'm going to use a hack, I think I'll calibrate it. That can be something for tomorrow morning. But I'll go for a run with it anyway. Can't wait!!

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