Friday, June 24, 2011


So, its a great day outside! Should really get some washing out of the way...

And I went for a run! You can see it on the side bar --->. Its amazingly impressive and will blow your mind. NOT!

Usually I run further then that, I cut out a whole side of a block, but by the time I got to the green box thingy (its one of my mental goals "just make it to the green box thingy") I was feeling really awful and turned the corner, made it to the bus stop and then decided to walk the rest of the way home.

I'm not disappointed, when I first started running it was absolute torture to make it that far. I think its just all of the crap food I've been eating lately coming back to haunt me. You can't really run effectively on a dinner of Korean and gelato. I wish you could run effectively on gelato, but alas 'tis not so. I'm also getting a bit of a killer headache, so that's a sign to consume more water right there!

Oh well, at least that stat's bar over there can only get better. Can't wait to see the numbers trailing up on it.

Might go for a walk tomorrow, another short run on Sunday after work (If I'm feeling like a real person!) and then have my rest day Monday. I find it amusing that the plan I found begins on a rest day. I guess it figures you might want to be procrastinating about it, and gives you a little bit of leeway.

Oh, and thank god exams are over! We will have to see how the marks come in now.


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